Member categories and membership fee
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Chinese herbs, Tuina, Qi-gong and Tai-Qi
NVA-members can practice all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They all have in common that they have been trained as an acupuncturist. Some have an additional specialisation in Chinese Herbs, Ear Acupuncture or Toyohari, some may add Tuina or Qi excercises, some may use devices like laser or electro-acupuncture. According to the NVA Professional Standard, the TCM-diagnosis is the basis for every treatment, whether performed with acupuncture, herbs, food, excercise or Tuina.
Member categories
- Practitioners membership: persons successfully graduated at an acupuncture/TCM institute recognised by NVA, medically trained at bachelor level or basic level with extra medical training, and practicing acupuncture and other TCM-disciplines in a professional setting, in compliance with the NVA code of Practice.
- Special membership (non-practicing): persons with the same training as NVA-practitioners, but (temporarily) not practicing acupuncture or (temporarily) not meeting the required quality standards for practicing membership.
- Aspirant (student) membership: persons studying at an acupuncture/TCM institute recognised by NVA or persons with an acupuncture diploma, studying for the required western medicine diploma.
- Senior membership (non-practicing): retired acupuncturists, still involved and interested in acupuncture and possibly active in supervising, teaching, research, writing.
- Honorary membership: persons who have made great contribution to NVA or TCM society in general.
Membership fee (per calendar year)
- Practitioner: €505
- Special member: €216
- Aspirant (student) member: €82
- Senior member: €82
- Honorary member: free
Discount for starters
If you recently (less than a year ago) graduated and are going to start your practice, you will receive discount on your membership fee: the first full twelve months 50% discount, the second twelve months 25% discount. After 24 months the full fee is owed.
Calendar year membership
Terminating your membership is only possible at the end of the calendar year.
It is possible to change to another type of membership during the year though.
As a member of NVA, you are automatically a member of the Dutch umbrella organisation KAB-koepel, and the European umbrella European TCM Association (ETCMA). NVA is also a member of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), in order to stay informed about worldwide developments.